Generating C# code from Avro schemas
Chr.Avro is capable of generating rudimentary C# class and enum definitions to match Avro’s record and enum schemas. If you have a complex Avro schema, but no matching .NET type, code generation can save a lot of time.
Installing the CLI
If you haven’t already, install the Chr.Avro CLI:
$ dotnet tool install Chr.Avro.Cli --global
Tool 'chr.avro.cli' (version '10.6.0') was successfully installed.
After the CLI tool has been installed, you can invoke it using dotnet avro
. If the install command fails, make sure you have the latest version of the .NET Core SDK installed.
Using the CLI
To generate code for a schema, use the generate
command. The CLI supports retrieving schemas from a Confluent Schema Registry:
$ dotnet avro generate --id 42 --registry-url http://registry:8081
namespace ExampleNamespace
public class ExampleClass
public long LongProperty { get; set; }
public string StringProperty { get; set; }
The CLI writes generated code to the console. Use your shell’s capabilities to read from and write to files. In Bash, that looks like this:
dotnet avro generate < example-class.avsc > ExampleClass.cs
And in PowerShell:
Get-Content .\example-class.avsc | dotnet avro generate | Out-File .\ExampleClass.cs
Generated enums and classes are grouped by namespace.