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Generates C# code for a schema from the Schema Registry.


Generate code for a schema by ID

dotnet avro generate --id 120 --registry-url http://registry:8081
namespace Example.Models
    public class ExampleModel
        public string Text { get; set; }

Generate code for a schema by ID, connecting to the Schema Registry using basic auth

dotnet avro generate --id 120 --registry-url http://registry:8081 --registry-config
namespace Example.Models
    public class ExampleModel
        public string Text { get; set; }

Generate code from a local schema

dotnet avro generate < example-model.avsc > ExampleModel.cs
Get-Content .\example-model.avsc | dotnet avro generate | Out-File .\ExampleModel.cs


-c, --registry-config
Configuration options to provide to the registry client (multiple space-separated key=value pairs accepted).
-r, --registry-url
The URL of the schema registry.
Whether to emit component model annotations for record and enum descriptions.
Whether reference types selected for nullable record fields should be annotated as nullable.

Resolve schema by ID

-i, --id
The ID of the schema.

Resolve schema by subject/version

-s, --subject
The subject of the schema.
-v, --version
The version of the schema.