Generates C# code for a schema from the Schema Registry.
Generate code for a schema by ID
dotnet avro generate --id 120 --registry-url http://registry:8081
namespace Example.Models
public class ExampleModel
public string Text { get; set; }
Generate code for a schema by ID, connecting to the Schema Registry using basic auth
dotnet avro generate --id 120 --registry-url http://registry:8081 --registry-config
namespace Example.Models
public class ExampleModel
public string Text { get; set; }
Generate code from a local schema
dotnet avro generate < example-model.avsc > ExampleModel.cs
Get-Content .\example-model.avsc | dotnet avro generate | Out-File .\ExampleModel.cs
- Configuration options to provide to the registry client (multiple space-separated key=value pairs accepted).
- The URL of the schema registry.
- Whether to emit component model annotations for record and enum descriptions.
- Whether reference types selected for nullable record fields should be annotated as nullable.
Resolve schema by ID
- The ID of the schema.
Resolve schema by subject/version
- The subject of the schema.
- The version of the schema.